Photo by Geralt on Pixabay

We are Them…

Maureen Kamau
1 min readDec 6, 2021


It is a bunch of misfits!
Carrying sins in their black paper bags.
Waiting for the world to condemn them.

They believe differently.
They have dark spots where white spots should be
They never fit in, these misfits of society!

They are not afraid to stand out or stand-alone.
They do not shy away from asking questions.
They are okay to wait for answers.

They go west when the crowd moves east.
You’ll know them because they’re weird compared to what’s normal.
Their conversations are an acquired taste, too new, too unfamiliar.
Their thoughts?…Futuristic.

As I stand with the crowd to watch them pass by,
With their brave faces despite the jeers going high,
I look at my spots and notice; they are no different from theirs.

Around me I’m surrounded by misfits in form of a crowd.
A bunch of individuals too busy fitting in, too busy pleasing society.
But who is society?

I step out to join the misfits, a shocking move for misfits too.
As we looked at the crowd around us, we notice everyone has a paper bag full of sins.
Except, theirs are in white paper bags,
Neatly folded and supposedly hidden,
Under a false sense of belonging.



Maureen Kamau

Everything Within Her is a Story Begging to be Told.